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AL Peinture et Rénovation Sàrl (Onex)

0 Reviews

About Us

AL Peinture et Rénovation Sàrl is a painting company located in Onex, in the canton of Geneva. It was founded by Mr. Angelo Lionetti, an experienced painter. AL Peinture et Rénovation Sàrl takes care of your interior and exterior painting, woodwork, moldings, wallpaper and other decorative elements.

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Location and contact

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AL Peinture et Rénovation Sàrl

  • office address office address

    Rue de Bandol 15 1213 Onex

  • Phone Phone
    0227... Show number 022 793 66 02
    0792... Show mobile number 079 204 51 03
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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AL Peinture et Rénovation Sàrl

Mon - Fr
08:00 - 12:00 opening hours
13:00 - 18:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun