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Botex Bau, Organisation, Technik, Expertisen AG (Hausen)

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About Us

Plasterer There are many design possibilities in the living area. By changing the color and texture, rooms can appear in a completely new light.

Painter Our processed products meet all the requirements of modern, ecological and healthy materials.

External thermal insulation We renew damaged plasters, remove moisture damage to facades and insulate them for protection with suitable insulation materials specific to the situation.

Flocculation Flocculation of cavities such as riser zones serves as thermal insulation as well as noise and fire protection and is becoming increasingly popular due to its simple design and processing.

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Location and contact

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Botex Bau, Organisation, Technik, Expertisen AG

  • office address office address

    Hauptstrasse 50 5212 Hausen

  • Leyla Steiger

  • Phone Phone
    0443... Show number 044 341 03 42 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
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  • * No listing required


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Botex Bau, Organisation, Technik, Expertisen AG

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